Delivers 17.67% Profit Increase, SBI Demonstrates Resilience through Innovation and Sustainability

Jakarta, February 24, 2023 – PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI) announced its audited Financial Statements for the Year 2022, with the following summary:

*in billion Rupiah except for sales volume31 December 202231 December 2021
Total Cement & Clinker Sales Volume (including export in million tons)

Gross Profit2.9322.853
Profit Before Interest and Income Tax1.1701.087
Profit for the Period839713

Performance Year 2022

Jakarta, February 24, 2023 – PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI) announced its Financial Performance for the Year 2022, operating amidst a contracted market, high energy costs, and increased raw material prices. SBI managed to maintain positive performance thanks to synergy with its parent company, PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG). SBI recorded a 9.3% increase in Revenue to Rp12.26 trillion and a 17.67% rise in Net Profit to Rp839 billion compared to 2021.

Lilik Unggul Raharjo, CEO of SBI, stated, “The tight market competition and rising prices, especially of fuels, are unavoidable challenges faced by the cement industry. However, the consistent positive performance we achieved demonstrates the resilience from our efforts in optimizing resources and innovation across various fronts.”

Lilik also explained that this positive performance was supported by a 38% reduction in interest expenses resulting from syndicated loan restructuring with accelerated repayments. SBI also benefits from potential efficiency gains from Sustainability-Linked Loans, supporting its decarbonization initiatives towards green industry by securing lower interest rates compared to conventional loans.

Closing the Year with Gold

SBI’s efficiency and innovation are underscored by its consistent application of sustainability principles throughout its operational chains and business processes. At the end of 2022, SBI’s plant in Cilacap, Central Java, achieved a Gold Rating in the 2022 Corporate Performance Rating Program for Environmental Management (PROPER) from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
This award marks the seventh time the Cilacap plant has achieved this recognition. Additionally, SBI’s other three plants located in Narogong (West Java), Tuban (East Java), and Lhoknga (Aceh) achieved a Green PROPER rating. All four SBI plants also received the 2022 Green Industry Awards from the Indonesian Ministry of Industry.

According to Lilik Unggul Raharjo, SBI has a roadmap to achieve sustainability targets focused on energy efficiency through energy management and accelerating carbon emission reduction targets. Initiatives include utilizing alternative fuels such as refuse-derived fuel (RDF), initiating a solar panel project at the Tuban plant, and a hydrogen injection project in 2023 to reduce fossil fuel use and carbon emissions, aligning with government commitments. SBI is also optimizing digitalization for operational efficiency in its plants.

Business Outlook for 2023

Despite global economic growth trends slowing down, several factors indicate strong economic growth in Indonesia in 2023, such as increased household consumption following the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, religious holiday celebrations, and ongoing development agendas.1

Lilik believes that challenges are inevitable, and SBI chooses to create opportunities. “Those who currently want to own homes, use roads, and care about sustainability. This is our opportunity. At SBI, we strengthen innovation based on sustainability principles to create resilient and environmentally friendly development solutions. Resilience is not just a benefit for business but also an added value for society,” emphasized Lilik.

In addition to sustainable solutions, SBI is also striving to create opportunities through the development of a dock and cement production facility project in Tuban, a strategic cooperation between SBI and Taiheiyo Cement Corporation (TCC). The planned dock development project aims to meet export market demands of up to 500,000 tons of cement per year, enhancing SBI’s capability to expand its export market reach in synergy with SIG and TCC.

Tentang PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk

PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk adalah sebuah perseroan terbuka yang mayoritas sahamnya (83,52%) dimiliki dan dikelola oleh PT Semen Indonesia Industri Bangunan (SIIB) – bagian dari PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau SIG. Perseroan menjalankan usaha yang terintegrasi dari semen, beton siap pakai, agregat dan layanan pengelolaan limbah yang mengoperasikan empat pabrik semen di Narogong (Jawa Barat), Cilacap (Jawa Tengah), Tuban (Jawa Timur), dan Lhoknga (Aceh), dengan total kapasitas 14,8 juta ton semen per tahun, dan mempekerjakan lebih dari 2.000 orang. 

Informasi lengkap dapat diperoleh dari:
Novi Maryanti
Corporate Communications Manager
PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk
Phone : 62 21 2986 1000 ext 8362
Mobile : 0878-0411 1811
e-mail  : [email protected]
Nadia Makhya Azhari
Digital Communication & Media Specialist
PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk
Mobile : 0812-4840-5525
e-mail  : [email protected]