Sleman, November 13, 2023 – PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI), a subsidiary of SIG, continues to contribute to urban waste management in Indonesia. This time, SBI signed a memorandum of understanding with the Sleman Regency Government (Pemkab Sleman), Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) Province, for cooperation in utilizing urban waste management products into refuse-derived fuel (RDF) as an alternative fuel.
The memorandum of understanding was signed at the Sleman Regency office by SBI Manufacturing Director, Soni Asrul Sani, and Sleman Regent, Dra. Hj. Kustini Sri Purnomo. Also present at the signing were Lilik Unggul Raharjo, President Director of SBI, Ony Suprihartono, Director of Human Capital, Legal & Corporate Affairs SBI. Accompanying the Sleman Regent were the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) of Sleman Regency, Ir Dwi Anta Sudibya, MT, Head of the Environmental Service of Sleman Regency, Dra. Epiphana Kriatiyani, MM, and the Sleman Regency officials.
In his speech, SBI President Director Lilik Unggul Raharjo stated that the collaboration with Pemkab Sleman further solidifies SBI’s commitment to assisting local governments in waste management in their areas. “This collaboration with Pemkab Sleman is a form of our commitment to continuously assist local governments in addressing waste problems in their regions. Previously, SBI has collaborated on waste management with various regions such as Cilacap Regency, Banyumas Regency, DKI Jakarta, and waste managers in Bali, which have been ongoing, while Banda Aceh City, Aceh Besar Regency, and Temanggung Regency are still awaiting further implementation,” said Lilik Unggul Raharjo.
Lilik Unggul Raharjo added that this collaboration also helps SBI in increasing the utilization of RDF as an alternative fuel to achieve the company’s carbon emission reduction targets and SBI’s contribution to realizing sustainable development through a circular economy. The utilization of alternative fuels as a substitute for coal in the cement production process at SBI is managed by the Nathabumi business unit, which provides environmentally friendly waste and waste management solutions.
Sleman Regent, Kustini Sri Purnomo, welcomed this collaboration and hopes it can help reduce the burden of waste management, especially in Sleman Regency. “Collaboration with SBI is a right step because of their experience in utilizing waste as an alternative fuel. We hope this collaboration can help reduce the burden of waste management in Sleman and the results will also benefit cement companies like SBI,” said Kustini Sri Purnomo.
The collaboration between SBI and Pemkab Sleman will last for three years. The RDF facility owned by Pemkab Sleman will begin operations at the end of December 2023. Subsequently, Pemkab Sleman will send the RDF produced from urban waste management to SBI’s plant in Cilacap through several alternative transportation modes, one of which is by rail at a rate of 100 tons per day to be used as an alternative fuel substitute for coal.
Tentang PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk
PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk adalah sebuah perseroan terbuka yang mayoritas sahamnya (83,52%) dimiliki dan dikelola oleh PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau SIG. Perseroan menjalankan usaha yang terintegrasi dari semen, beton siap pakai, agregat dan layanan pengelolaan limbah yang mengoperasikan empat pabrik semen di Narogong (Jawa Barat), Cilacap (Jawa Tengah), Tuban (Jawa Timur), dan Lhoknga (Aceh), dengan total kapasitas 14,8 juta ton semen per tahun, dan mempekerjakan lebih dari 2.000 orang.
Informasi lengkap dapat diperoleh dari: Novi MaryantiCorporate Communications ManagerPT Solusi Bangun Indonesia TbkPhone : 62 21 2986 1000 ext 8361Mobile : 0878-0411 1811e-mail : [email protected] | Nadia Makhya AzhariDigital Communications & Media Relations SpecialistPT Solusi Bangun Indonesia TbkMobile : 0812-4840-5525e-mail : [email protected] |